Sunset River Tour


I understand that Guyana is famous for its undisturbed interior and wildlife watching opportunities. Unfortunately, little did I know that tours are spoken for weeks in advance. When I arrived my opportunities were about nil. I finally was put in touch with Ann, the owner-operator of the Dagron Tours company and she put a little sunset tour together for me. I am in her debt.


This image will take you to her tours website and the many different tour possibilities that she has, at certain times of the year, available.





Getting closer to the target area, we notice birds flying in from every direction. It's their evenng ritual. This is where they spend the night. A truly amazing sight and sound.


When I first saw those red spots in those bushes, I thought those were flowers. Then they moved





You can see that the red ibis, even here, in Guyana, is not overwhelming in number


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